Meet some of our Burmese students! & Task 1

Estelle has been working really hard running our Picture Pal project with Burmese refugee students in Chaing Mai and Maesot.

Here is an example of Task 1.

These students are from a migrant workers camp in Maesot on the edge of the Thai - Burma broader.

Estelle has trained up some of the Burmese teachers to teach our Picture Pal project.

Here our some photos of our Burmese students completing their first task in the Picture Pal Project  - ' England and English Culture'.

The students are also researching about Shrewsburys famous connection to Charles Darwin.

Ngwe Chit

Saw Yu May


San Poe

Myo Pa Pa


Aung That Paing Oo

 These are some examples of the tasks they were undertaking to learn about us, where we are and about the history and culture of England, you can see Charles Darwins head in these pictures.

Here you can see the sort of space they have to work in and the lack of tables and chairs.

Estelle says this is just how it is and the students create their tables where ever they sit!

Here is more of their finished first task.

When you look at their writing it is amazing to think that they are keen to learn to write and speak English!

It must be so hard!

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